K7 Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grappelly

Informations complémentaires

Poids 0,80 kg
Dimensions 7 × 11 × 1 cm

K7 Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grappelly

Album compilation de Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grappelly “The Quintet of The Hot Club of France”, 18 titres.

Face A

  1. Honeysuckle rose
  2. Night and day
  3. Sweet Georgia brown
  4. Souvenirs
  5. My sweet
  6. Liza (all the coulds’ll roll away)
  7. Stomping at decca
  8. Love’s melody
  9. Daphne
  10. Lambeth walk
Face B

  1. Nuages
  2. H. C. Q. strut
  3. The man I love
  4. Improvisation n°2
  5. Undecided
  6. Please be kind
  7. Nocturne
  8. I”ve got my love to keep me warm
  9. Louise
  10. Don’t worry ’bout me
  • Artiste: Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grappelly
  • Titre: The Quintet of The Hot Club of France
  • Année : 1988
  • Label: London
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